Temporary exhibitions

Zygmunt Wasilewski - Stefan Żeromski. Mutual correspondence

From 20 th November 2019, the Museum of Stefan Żeromski's School Years will present a temporary exhibition concerning Zygmunt Wasilewski.
The objective of the exhibition is to present Wasilewski and his activities in the political arena, in journalism and above all – the regional dimension. Wasilewski, son-in-law to Jan Karłowicz (ethnologist and linguist) and brother-in-law to Mieczysław Karłowicz (composer, director and mountaineer), was a politician and very active in many areas: as an ethnographer, librarian, literary critic, historian and literary historian, commentator, author of a family
memoir and - above all - journalist. Between 1892 and 1894 he worked together with Stefan Żeromski at the library of the National Polish Museum in Rapperswil. He was the editor-in-chief of the weekly Głos, the magazine Słowo Polskie, the socio-political magazine Sprawa Polska, the daily Przegląd Polski, Gazeta Warszawska and Myśl Narodowa. He lived and worked in Warsaw, but for a dozen years he edited Pamiętnik Koła Kielczan – an annual devoted to the history and culture of the Kielce region, and in each volume he included his own articles about the past of the city and region. Above all he was involved in establishing Koło Kielczan in Warsaw – an association of graduates of Kielce pre-secondary school, many of whom held high posts in science, education, culture, industry and administration – and who could use their position for Kielce. Together with Bolesław Markowski and Tomasz Ruśkiewicz he succeeded in the establishment and formal registration of the association. Between 1930 and 1935 he was a member of the Senate. The exhibition will also involve the publication of Zygmunt Wasilewski – Stefan Żeromski. Korespondencja wzajemna (1890–1925).




The exhibition runs until 20 th June 2020.


Exhibition curator: Sylwia Zacharz
Exhibition coordinator: Paulina Bies



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niepodległa mkidn
Sfinansowano ze Środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego w ramach Programu Wieloletniego NIEPODLEGŁA na lata 2017-2022

W ramach obchodów 100. rocznicy odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości Muzeum Narodowe w Kielcach realizuje projekt „Strażnicy dziedzictwa Niepodległej”.



